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Writer's pictureHigher Expectations Church


Ecclesiastes 11:4 - One who watches the wind will not sow, and the one who looks at the clouds will not reap.

Recently a large multi-national company arranged a tour for a group of high school seniors to take a tour of their facility. For the students, this was a chance of a lifetime. Not only were they going to tour a large modern campus, but they would get the opportunity to talk to professionals, exchange contact information and submit resumes for summer intern positions.

The students all gathered in the cafeteria one morning while waiting on the bus. The cafeteria was full of other students who were eating breakfast and waiting to go to their first class. Tomas, one of the seniors, heard that his classmates were planning to get to school early ahead of the tour, but he got there at his regular time. He felt it wasn’t necessary; he had plenty of time. He thought about creating a LinkedIn profile, but thought, “It’s not that important. Besides, I have plenty of time.”

Tomas got to the cafeteria and started talking to some of his friends. He heard a teacher announcing to everyone to get on the bus if they were going on the tour, but he thought he had plenty of time. By the time he finished talking to his friends and went to the parking lot, the bus to the tour was already down the street preparing to get on the highway. Tomas had missed the bus.

Tomas tried to convince himself, “Well it probably won’t be that good anyway. They probably only have a couple of positions paying minimum wage. No big deal.” That afternoon Tomas met with his classmates and found out that more than half received job offers making almost three times the minimum wage. Other students received contact information on jobs that paid twice the minimum wage. Almost everyone received something beneficial from the trip…except Tomas; he had missed the bus.

God has a plan for your life; one that is best for us and brings Him glory (Jeremiah 29:11 – 14). That plan involves His preparation in us – spiritually, physically, financially, educationally, mentally, as well as working in our circumstances. Timing is a crucial component of that plan. And just like Nehemiah had to first prepare himself spiritually to ask the king’s permission to leave Babylon and rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1 – 2), we have to be sensitive to God’s leading, be obedient and then take action according to His timing.

If you find yourself spending more time “watching the wind” and “looking at the clouds” instead of engaging in His preparation plan, you are putting yourself in a position to “miss the bus”. And if you “miss the bus”, you could miss out on more than what you thought was possible. Don’t miss the bus.


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